
We bring knowledge&space together.

The FH Library was founded in 2003 and distributes its holdings over a total two-storey area of 384m2 on Campus 1 in Eisenstadt. The treasures of the lending library include about 40,000 printed volumes, about 7,400 e-journals and about 150,000 e-books. About 90% of them are in open access. The subject area of the library holdings includes the following collection areas: Economics, Information and Communication Studies, Energy/Environmental and Health Management as well as Central and Eastern European Languages.

Not only students and staff of the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland can borrow books, but also the entire public. If you borrow a book and return it in time, you pay nothing for it.

Current changes


Opening hours

Monday9:00 to 17:008:00 to 16:00
Tuesday9:00 to 17:008:00 to 16:00
Wednesday9:00 to 17:008:00 to 16:00
Thursday9:00 to 17:008:00 to 16:00
Friday8:00 to 17:008:00 to 16:30
Saturday8:00 to 14:008:00 till 14:00