All activities in the area of internationalisation at the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland are a result of the orientation towards specific policies that serve as overarching guidelines for the university. Here you can find out more about the policies at international, national and institutional level that shape our actions in the area of internationalisation at the university. Each policy briefly outlines the values it represents. UAS Burgenland is also committed to the guidelines of international organisations such as the European University Association (EUA) and the European Association for International Education (EAIE), of which it is also a member.
Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027
Burgenland University of Applied Sciences participates in mobility projects in the field of higher education as part of the Erasmus+ mobility programme set up by the European Commission. It supports students, lecturers and administrative staff in the realisation of stays abroad via the available funding budget. The key principles of the Erasmus+ programme are non-discrimination, transparency and equal treatment to ensure fair access to equal opportunities. In the 2021-2027 programme generation, the Erasmus+ programme will increasingly focus on the inclusion of people with limited opportunities, environmental friendliness (keyword "Green Mobility") and digitalisation in mobility management (including the "European Student Card Initiative") when implementing mobility activities. By signing the Erasmus Charter for University Mobility, FH Burgenland is committed to living these principles and values in the planning and implementation of mobility activities.
European Higher Education Area
European Higher Education Area and the Bologna Process
The European Higher Education Area is a unique international co-operation of 49 countries in the field of higher education, guided by the agreement to work together to implement structural reforms based on common key values. These include freedom of expression, autonomy for institutions, independent student representation, academic freedom and the free mobility of students and teachers. Through this process, countries, institutions and stakeholders from the European area regularly adapt their education systems in the tertiary sector and make them compatible with each other. The main objective is to increase student and teacher mobility and to favour employability.
Paris Communiqué of the EHEA Ministers 2018
Higher Education Mobility and Internationalisation Strategy 2020-2030 (HMIS 2030)
The HMIS 2030 is the main national policy paper of the Republic of Austria in the field of internationalisation for all Austrian public universities, universities of applied sciences, private universities and university colleges of teacher education, which was developed through a participatory process in which numerous higher education experts from the entire Austrian higher education area were actively involved with the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. The national strategy paper represents a central guideline for UAS Burgenland in the further development of the institutional internationalisation strategy. The HMIS takes a holistic view of the fields of internationalisation and high mobility. It contains five central objectives that the universities implement independently.
- European Higher Education Area HMIS 2030
- National Higher Education Mobility and Internationalisation Strategy 2020 - 2030
- National Mobility and Internationalisation Strategy for Higher Education 2020 - 2030
- HMIS nutshell
Internationalisation at Austria's universities
Internationalisation strategy 2021 of the FH Burgenland
The current internationalisation strategy of UAS Burgenland is the central pivotal point of the university in the planning and implementation of internationalisation measures at institutional level. It contains many strategic and operational goals for the area of internationalisation and mobility, but our primary goal is to continue to develop in a dynamic, constantly changing environment. The strategy paper serves as a guideline and inspiration for the institution's further development steps in the area of internationality and mobility. UAS Burgenland considers the ideal to be customised internationalisation that meets the needs of our predominantly part-time students and employees in all areas of the university. In the realisation of projects in the area of internationalisation and mobility, the actions of FH Burgenland are characterised by the institutional guiding values of responsibility, humanity, reliability, partnership, joy, openness, flexibility, commitment and future orientation.
Strategy 2030 of FH Burgenland